Seeking Safer Workspaces
Evaluating and improving your disinfection practices can reduce unscheduled leave by over 30% in Emergency Services
Figure 1. Annual unscheduled absences from a 10-year case study. Absences before, and after initiative to improve disinfection practices is shown.
The Average Emergency Services Department:
Only removes 5-45% of contaminants when cleaning
Staff are 3-20 times more likely to carry MRSA than the general public
Staff are routinely exposed to pathogens via workplace contamination
Patients are at risk as well
An ambulance ride increases the likelihood of contracting a Healthcare Acquired Infection (HAI) by an alarming fourfold.
You want a safer workspace, we’re here to help
Identify pathogens in any environment, and navigate pathogen reduction through targeted improvements to disinfection practices
Reduce risk to staff and patients
Featured Testimonials
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“These evaluations identified pathogens that we suspected we had in our workplaces, but, before this, could not verify. With the information provided we implemented new disinfection protocols that better targeted the risks we identified, and we believe this has had a significant impact on the health of our patients and staff.”
-Dana Terry, currently working as Deputy Chief at Strathcona County Emergency Services (former Deputy Chief, Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services)
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“Maintaining a clean and healthy workplace is essential for promoting the health and well-being of our team and the success of service. By understanding the microbial ecology of ambulances and our station, we were able to bolster our strategies to quantifiably create a safer and healthier environment. I would recommend this analysis to fellow Emergency Services Departments.”
-Stew Schmidt, General Manager at Maskwacis Ambulance Authority & Maskwacis Mobile Mental Health, and Samson Cree Medical Services